{"pageProps":{"data":{"title":"Leadership Training - Personal, Professional & Development Program","meta":{"description":"Larapinta Connect offers individual development programs with wisdom from carefully selected thought & business leaders. Book your journey today."},"modules":[{"name":"content_hero","data":{"content":{"subtext":"personal","lead":"program","style":"stacked"},"image":{"src":"/assets/images/personal-programs/IMG_1554.jpeg","alt":"Red rock canyon with creek - experience a unique personal journey on the Larapinta Trail","cssClass":"heroImage","priority":true}},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"flush":"true","paddingTop":"none","paddingBottom":"none"}},{"name":"content","data":{"components":[{"name":"text","data":{"title":"Deep in-country immersion, offering powerful insights into new personal & leadership possibilities."},"width":"small"}]},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"paddingTop":"none","paddingBottom":"x-small"}},{"name":"content","data":{"components":[{"name":"text","data":{"text":["This 6 day experience with up to ten like minded executives takes place in the West MacDonnell Ranges, exploring some of the best parts of the Larapinta Trail.","Visit remote gorges carved by nature over 400 million years, take a plunge in deep swimming holes, and ascend peaks with 360 degree views to the horizon. Traverse landscapes rich with native flora and fauna and depending on the conditions witness the beauty of desert flowers in multi-coloured bloom and the spectacle of flocks of native budgerigar, finches, and other avian species.","The program supports your individual inquiry by combining reflective multi-hour walks, inspiring conversation around the campfire, and insight from our First Nations guests and partners."]},"width":"small"}]},"module_props":{"position":"right"},"section_props":{"paddingTop":"none","paddingBottom":"x-small"}},{"name":"content_grid","data":{"type":"split","stickyImage":"true","items":[{"name":"text","data":{"text":[" ","The itinerary involves:","Sample Program Set-Up","The program begins with a one-on-one conversation to explore your story and the threads that shape your life and your leadership aspirations. By understanding what’s emerging for you personally and professionally, this conversation will help your readiness and set intentions for the experience.","On the first evening in Alice Springs, we’ll enjoy a group dinner. We’ll get to know each other and set the scene for the conversations and reflections we’ll be having together in the coming week. "," ","Day One","Making the Invitation: Meaning, Purpose & Legacy","Simpsons Gap to Nicks’ Camp (10km)","This day focuses on becoming fully present to the landscape and into the experience of pausing, listening and sensing. Begin to discern and define what’s calling for you to deepen your relationship to questions of purpose, meaning and legacy."," ","Day Two","Exploring the beautiful question","Serpentine Gorge to Ellory Big Hole (10km)","Walking over the course of a whole day, you’ll have the space to be alone, to engage with your peers and facilitators, or a combination of all. The invitation is to frame the questions or personal challenge that is asking for a deeper form of wisdom and courage from you."," ","Day Three","Sensing into what’s emerging/Sensing what’s emerging","Counts Point to Charlies’ Camp (13km)","This day gives you an opportunity to step back and take a different perspective on your inquiry. We’ll engage in a conversation with Andrea Mason AOM, who is at the front line of addressing intergenerational legacy challenges in the First Nations community. You’ll have the opportunity to consider questions of purpose, meaning and legacy from new perspectives. Evening conversation will focus on the systemic challenges we each face in shifting the status quo that we are a part of, both personally and professionally."," ","Day Four","Personal integration and reflection","Ormiston Gorge (6km)","This day provides you with space to reflect on the full meaning of your question(s), the implications for you personally and the emerging call to action. With a four hour walk and gorge swim you can also find the opportunity to set aside your inquiry for a time, and simply be present to the wonder of the extraordinary environment."," ","Day Five","Connecting the dots into a larger perspective","Mount Sonder & Finke River (16km)","This will be the most physical day of the experience. Much of the day will be focused on being in the moment on the spectacular Mt Sonder walk. Enjoy the fruits of your efforts with lunch and swim in the Finke River. In the evening we’ll engage in a collective dialogue that will enable you to connect your insights, reflections and discernments into a meaningful whole."," ","Day Six","Integration","Return to Alice Springs","Our closing process enables you to capture your intentions clearly and ready yourself for reintegration to the regular routines waiting for you on your return.","We’ll complete our journey with a visit to the NPY Women’s Council in Alice Springs for a final perspective into the lives of First Nations people of Central Australia, and those who serve them. A visit to the Tjanpi desert weavers provides a final celebration of our unique shared experience. You will have the opportunity to purchase their art as a reminder of your experience and as a welcome financial contribution to the hopes and dreams of the NPY Women."],"settings":{"position":"right"}}},{"name":"links","data":[{"href":"/contact","text":"Enquire Now","style":"primary"},{"href":"/faqs","text":"FAQs","style":"secondary"}],"settings":{"position":"right"}},{"name":"image","data":{"src":"/assets/images/about/content_01.jpg","alt":"Hand touching a rock on red dirt - understand the story and threads that shape your life on the Larapinta Trail","settings":{"unset":"height","backgroundSize":"cover","position":"left"}}},{"name":"image","data":{"src":"/assets/images/about/content_02.jpg","alt":"Gesturing with hands - develop wisdom through a personal journey along the Larapinta Trail","settings":{"unset":"height","backgroundSize":"cover","position":"left"}}},{"name":"image","data":{"src":"/assets/images/personal-programs/personal-day-five.jpg","alt":"Group hiking on a trail - develop a deeper personal understanding on the Mt. Sonder walk","settings":{"unset":"height","backgroundSize":"cover","position":"left"}}},{"name":"image","data":{"src":"/assets/images/personal-programs/last-personal.jpg","alt":"Australian landscape with red dirt road - prepare for personal challenges with perspective from First Nations people","settings":{"unset":"height","backgroundSize":"cover","position":"left"}}}]},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"flush":"true","paddingTop":"medium","paddingBottom":"large"}},{"name":"outro_banner","data":{"link":{"href":"/contact","text":"Contact","size":"small"},"image":{"src":"/assets/images/footer-image.jpg","alt":"Australian bush at night - personal camping retreats in the Larapinta region"}},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"flush":"true","paddingTop":"large","paddingBottom":"none","fullWidth":true}}]}},"__N_SSG":true}