{"pageProps":{"data":{"title":"FAQs | Professional & Personal Development | Larapinta Connect","meta":{"description":"Find out what to expect with costs, preparation, transport, First Nation involvement, trip itinerary & more. "},"modules":[{"name":"content_hero","data":{"content":{"subtext":"","lead":"FAQs"},"image":{"src":"/assets/images/faqs/faqs.jpg","alt":"Person hiking on a trail - explore personal and team leadership possibilities with Larapinta Connect","cssClass":"heroImage","priority":true}},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"flush":"true","paddingTop":"none","paddingBottom":"small"}},{"name":"faqs","data":{"items":[{"category":"General","questions":[{"title":"How much does the program cost?","content":"Please contact us for an indication of the cost. The program featured on the website is a standard itinerary but clients often have specific requests that we try to accommodate with both trip length and content. Our overall costs are in line with other senior c-suite development experiences."},{"title":"What is the split between First Nations exposure and personal/team development?","content":"This is tailored to suit your requirements. We find that many of our participants have had limited to no exposure to First Nations peoples, their history and their stories. We bring senior First Nations leaders out to camp for conversation. Usually, we have the opportunity to visit the community and spend valuable time with Andrea Mason OAM."},{"title":"What will I be taught on the trip?","content":"This is not a traditional 'taught’ course. We provide access to the wisdom of First Nations leaders along with experienced business leaders and coaches who will engage you in development activities and challenges to help bring out the best of yourself. The more you engage, the more you will learn. Deep conversations and reflections around the campfire in a pristine landscape with the Milky Way high above is an experience never to be forgotten."},{"title":"I'm not used to camping. How am I going to cope?","content":"Our fixed campsites are very comfortably set up with stretcher beds and swags. There is a large shaded central area with lounge facilities and a large kitchen where our guides prepare all our food. Bucket showers with warm water are always popular and private drop toilets are also on site. As land sustainability is a major priority, we are very conscious of leaving the land as pristine as possible."},{"title":"Is alcohol allowed/provided?","content":"We provide limited alcohol - one or two glasses of beer/wine - paid for by participants via an honesty bar system. We would prefer participants do not bring alcohol."},{"title":"What preparation is required before going on the experience?","content":"Physically walking in the bush requires a moderate level of fitness. Before the trip, we suggest a month or two of walking training. We will provide a packing list before departure. We try to accommodate all abilities – please contact us if you have special needs. In finalising the program design for you or your team, we will let you know what pre-reading will be required."},{"title":"How are we going to navigate the walks?","content":"We are in an isolated area and safety is our number one priority. We have professional guides engaged through our relationship with World Expeditions who navigate our way in-country and look after our physical wellbeing, accommodation and food requirements."},{"title":"How will I be reached if there is an emergency?","content":"Our guides will have satellite phones and we will be contactable in emergencies. Phone and internet service is not available when we are out bush."},{"title":"Is the program available all year round?","content":"Historically, we have run our programs on the Larapinta Trail from May through to September to avoid the very hot months. Recent demand has meant that we are planning to embark on new programs in Tasmania outside this period. Ask us for details or register your interest today."}]}]},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"paddingTop":"small","paddingBottom":"large"}},{"name":"outro_banner","data":{"link":{"href":"/our-experiences","text":"Learn more","size":"small"},"image":{"src":"/assets/images/footer-image.jpg","alt":"Australian bush at night - personal and team camping retreats in the Larapinta region"}},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"flush":"true","paddingTop":"large","paddingBottom":"none","fullWidth":true}}]}},"__N_SSG":true}