{"pageProps":{"data":{"title":"About Larapinta Connect | Professional & Personal Development Tours","meta":{"description":"Read how Larapinta Connect challenges Australian executives to step into a stronger expression of purpose, meaning & legacy along a world-renowned walking trail."},"modules":[{"name":"content_hero","data":{"content":{"subtext":"","lead":"about"},"image":{"src":"/assets/images/about/about-hero.jpg","alt":"Group hiking along trail next to water - unqiue and inspiring experience on the Larapinta Trail","cssClass":"heroImage","priority":true}},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"flush":"true","paddingTop":"none","paddingBottom":"none"}},{"name":"content","data":{"components":[{"name":"text","data":{"title":"What we do","text":["Larapinta Connect provides a unique and inspiring in-country experience, for leaders who are ready to challenge themselves and step into a stronger expression of purpose, meaning and legacy."]},"width":"medium"}]},"module_props":{"position":"left"},"section_props":{"paddingTop":"x-small","paddingBottom":"x-small"}},{"name":"content_grid","data":{"type":"inverted","items":[{"name":"text","data":{"title":"Why we do it","text":["Leaders tend not to afford themselves space for deep renewal and reflection. Days packed with meetings and the never-ending expectations of performance and productivity place a relentless demand on leaders’ time and focus.","With attention dominated by phones, technology and urgency of action, many leaders risk losing their capacity to stay tuned in to what’s most important and to discern the subtle signals that require attention now and for the future.","Left unattended for too long, these two issues can diminish our leadership growth and presence.","Many of today’s business and community leaders over 40 have had little direct engagement with our First People’s relationship to Country, Law, Language and Family – four important pillars of First Nations society. Despite the deep goodwill many hold towards First Nations heritage, this lack of direct insight prevents us from understanding the best way to support our First Peoples’ aspirations and dreams.","Larapinta Connect aims to provide mutually rewarding outcomes for aspirational leaders and our First Peoples. When we slow down and get deeply present and thoughtful, we can create the conditions for renewal, inspiration and enrichment – vital ingredients to sustain us on our personal and collective journeys."],"settings":{"position":"right"}}},{"name":"image","data":{"src":"/assets/images/about/content_02.jpg","alt":"Hand touching a rock on red dirt - discover purpose, meaning and legacy on the Larapinta Trail","settings":{"unset":"height","backgroundSize":"cover","position":"right"}}},{"name":"image","data":{"src":"/assets/images/about/content_01.jpg","alt":"Gesturing with hands - develop wisdom through a personal journey along the Larapinta Trail","settings":{"unset":"height","backgroundSize":"cover","position":"left"}}}]},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"flush":"true","paddingTop":"medium","paddingBottom":"large"}},{"name":"content","data":{"components":[{"name":"text","data":{"title":"How we do it","text":["Journeying through the Larapinta Trail in the heart of Australia, participants will be confronted with a vast and ancient landscape that evokes a larger relationship with the questions of belonging, meaning and contribution."]},"width":"small"}]},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"paddingTop":"x-small","paddingBottom":"x-small"}},{"name":"content","data":{"components":[{"name":"text","data":{"text":["Engaging in a deep dialogue with a small number of like-minded peers who are similarly testing boundaries of possibilities for themselves and their organisation, new territories of personal understanding and insight will open up.","Learning from the local First Nations community elders about their relationship with this sacred land and the long term view of impact will enrich your understanding of how to cultivate legacy. Deep friendships will be forged as you consider your next step with others beside you.","Your perspective will be challenged with wisdom from carefully selected thought leaders and business leaders. You will widen the aperture on how to enact new insights into leadership.","Offering extraordinary walks in remote landscapes along with luxury camping conditions, Larapinta Connect is an experience that combines wilderness with comfort."]},"width":"small"}]},"module_props":{"position":"right"},"section_props":{"paddingTop":"medium","paddingBottom":"x-small"}},{"name":"content","data":{"components":[{"name":"image","data":{"src":"/assets/images/about/about-end.jpg","alt":"Expansive ridge with red rocks - gain a First Nations perspective to the Larapinta Connect experience"},"props":{"absolute":false,"unset":"width","cssClass":"content-image"}}]},"module_props":{"orientation":"vertical"},"section_props":{"paddingTop":"large","paddingBottom":"large"}},{"name":"content","data":{"components":[{"name":"text","data":{"title":"First Nations Wisdom","text":["Andrea Mason OAM, Commissioner for the Disability Royal Commission and past CEO of the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council (NPYWC), 2016 Telstra Businesswoman of the Year and NT Australian of the Year 2016, Andrea will bring a First Nations perspective to the experience and dialogue. Andrea will provide a personal insight into the cultural heritage and aspirations of the remote communities in the region and share her own journey of purpose, meaning and legacy.","To recognise the importance of this program supporting a deeper relationship between the participants and First Nations heritage, a portion of program fees will be donated directly to the NPWYC mission."]},"width":"medium"}]},"module_props":{"position":"center"},"section_props":{"paddingTop":"large","paddingBottom":"large"}},{"name":"outro_banner","data":{"link":{"href":"/our-experiences","text":"Learn more","size":"small"},"image":{"src":"/assets/images/footer-image.jpg","alt":"Australian bush at night - personal and team camping retreats in the Larapinta region"}},"module_props":{},"section_props":{"flush":"true","paddingTop":"large","paddingBottom":"none","fullWidth":true}}]}},"__N_SSG":true}